AHR Australia - Disclaimer

The information in this website is provided by AHR Private Wealth Pty Ltd ABN 43 643 106 754, and is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No.1285156) of Lifespan Financial Planning Pty Ltd (AFSL No. 229892). By agreeing to consent to the below information and by accessing the website, you agree, understand and acknowledge that AHR Private Wealth Australia is a separate entity from all other ‘AHR’ branded entities internationally. AHR Private Wealth is an advice business soley permitted to provide advice to Australian resident clients, and as such, should you be accessing this website from outside of the Australia, you may be accessing a website of an entity with which you have no current or potential dealings. This website shares the same branding in ‘AHR’ as numerous international businesses, some of which you are able to link to via this website. All other businesses branded ‘AHR’ outside of www.ahrprivatewealth.au are not under the control of AHR Private Wealth Australia, and as such AHR Private Wealth Australia carries no responsibility for the nature, content, views or opinions, provided by any other AHR businesses internationally. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. I agree that by entering the Australian Site of www.ahrprivatewealth.au I am currently residing in Australia.

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Our Services


Self managed
Super Funds


Private Banking

Family &
Discretionary Trusts

Estate Planning

Bespoke Portfolio

Tax Planning



Finance Lending


Our Process


Understanding your needs and objectives

We take the time to develop a clear understanding of your personal circumstances, objectives and appetite for risk. We can work with your other professional service providers so that we have a complete picture of your financial affairs.


Formulating your strategic framework

We draw on our insights from stage one, utilising our understanding and experience to design a bespoke strategic financial framework for you. This framework is intended to make sure all aspects of your financial affairs work together effectively to achieve your goals.


Implementing your wealth and investment strategies

Once your strategic framework is agreed upon, we work with you to implement our recommendations. This includes providing timely information and working closely with your other professional service providers. The result is a streamlined and efficient implementation of these recommendations.


Ongoing, regular advice

We regularly review your strategic framework to keep it on track and to ensure it responds appropriately to changes in the financial landscape. By engaging with you on a regular basis, we can also adapt your strategy to cater for any changes to your circumstances or objectives.

Our Framework


  • Review of existing superannuation Plans
  • Contribution, Lump Sum and income stream strategies
  • SMSF Strategies

Cash Flow Planning and Financial Modelling

  • Tax Planning
  • Income and Capital Projections
  • Scenario and sensitivity analysis

Investment and Portfolio Management

  • Risk profiling and objective setting
  • Asset Allocation
  • Portfolio construction and investment allocation